Merry Christmas, Monkeys
The Barrelhouse crew has been struggling with our Christmas list. How do we say thank you to you, our great readers and subscribers and...
A Note From the Wet Bandits, by Gina Myers
I’ve been sick for two weeks but America has been sick its whole life. America will always choose a rich white kid over two guys living...
The Gift of the (Da)magi(ng), by Alissa Nutting
Della and Jimmy fought all the time. People often told them, “You fight like a married couple!” This joke was usually told by a mutual...
Hermey in New York, by Ravi Mangla
For Hermey, those snowy, lamp-lit evenings had lost their luster. Once, as a younger man, he would frequent the queen bars in the...
Sometimes, a Rifle Really is Just a Rifle, by Erin Fitzgerald
The snowy December recess at Warren G. Harding Elementary School was only the beginning. Flick’s mother had re-bandaged his tongue after...
Good Grief: An Oral History of the Northfield Christmas Play Special, Brought to You by Coca Cola,
Charles Brown: I think it was called like the “Coca Cola Northfield Christmas Special” or something like that? And then the next year --...
The Snowman in Love, by Tom McAllister
Thirty years after the incident in the greenhouse, Karen would relate it to her second husband as a turning point in her life—an...
The Dark Room, by AK Small
My ninth grader hops onto the kitchen counter in her basketball jersey and tells me that at school there is a Dark Room. Disdain fills...
On Such a Full AWP: The Chang-rae Lee Crash, by Tabitha Blankenbiller
Let’s be real. Not everyone spends twelve months counting down to the AWP conference. In the year preceding my first-ever trip to the mad...
EAT THEM, I DON’T KNOW: John Mayer’s Guide to Foraging, by Courtney Maum
Ok, so: Rooibos, bitches. The world thought I was going to get married and have children with Katy freaking Perry, when #realitycheck, I...