True Detective, "The Night Finds You" (Season 2, Episode 2): Barrelhouse Television Worksh
Today's Panel Becky Barnard is Web Manager at Barrelhouse. She lives in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where she fights off cabin fever...
True Detective, "The Western Book of the Dead" (Season 2, Episode 1): Barrelhouse Televisi
Today's Panel: Killian Czuba is Barrelhouse's art director. She makes comics and fiction and daydreams about being mad swole and/or a...
Louie, "The Road Trip, Part 2" (Season 5, Episode 8): Barrelhouse Television Workshop
Today’s Panel Becky Barnard is Web Manager at Barrelhouse. She lives in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where she fights off cabin fever...
Hashtag Foodporn, annotated
Author Marissa Landrigan shares insights on her essay, "Hashtag Foodporn," which appears in Issue 14. Click on the linked numbers to jump...
Louie, "The Road Trip, Part 1" (Season 5, Episode 7): Barrelhouse Television Workshop
Today’s Panel Myfanwy Collins lives in Massachusetts. Her latest novel is for young adults and called THE BOOK OF LANEY. For more...
Barrelhousing with Joseph Massey
The new issue of Barrelhouse has something special about it. All the poetry was selected by Joseph Massey, an acclaimed poet and...
Mad Men, "Person to Person" (Season 7, Episode 14): Barrelhouse Television Workshop
In Barrelhouse Television Workshop, fiction writers look at the way we tell stories across media, the way those "fiction moves" work, and...
Louie, “Sleepover” (Season 5, Episode 6): Barrelhouse Television Workshop
In Barrelhouse Television Workshop, fiction writers look at the way we tell stories across media, the way those "fiction moves" work, and...
Mad Men, “The Milk and Honey Route” (Season 7, Episode 13): Barrelhouse Television Workshop
In Barrelhouse Television Workshop, fiction writers look at the way we tell stories across media, the way those "fiction moves" work, and...
Louie, "Untitled" (Season 5, Episode 5): Barrelhouse Television Workshop
In Barrelhouse Television Workshop, fiction writers look at the way we tell stories across media, the way those "fiction moves" work, and...